The Baptism class is intended for new parents and takes around an hour. It is nice where possible for us to have a two or more families at the same time so that people get to know each other and can share ideas and thoughts.

First Holy Communion 

Our classes will start on Sunday 24 September 2023 at 09h00. we prepare the children for their first reconciliation which will take place at the end of the autumn term and for first holy communion which will take place at 14h00 on 8th june 2024. children need to have been baptised to receive these sacraments so proof of baptism is required unless your child was baptised here at st mary’s.

Post First Holy Communion

We are running an hour-long faith formation class on Sundays from 11h00 to 12h00 in the Parish Room. It is lots of fun with games and refreshments. Please come along!

Teenage Confirmation

Classes will run from september to december.We aim to begin the course on 10th september. please keep an eye on the newsletter. please note that priority is given to our parishioners and those who live in our parish boundary.

Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

This is for adults wishing to become Catholic or for baptised adults who would like to be confirmed. it is run by our parish priest and pastoral assistant. please contact the presbytery if you are interested to learn more. Enrolment is on 30th september at 17h00 here in the presbytery.



Location: Baptism class is held in the parish room with Mary, pastoral assistant upon request.


Location: Classes will be in the parish room with Mary, pastoral assistant, and Sister Alejandra from the Marcellina Convent. We welcome parishioners onto this course but unfortunately space constraints mean it is not possible for us to accept children from other Parishes. Please contact: hampstead@rcdow.org.uk if you wish your child to join the First Holy Communion preparation.

Confirmation preparation for 2023 is now fully enrolled. We will start our 2024 course in September 2024. We welcome parishioners onto this course but unfortunately space constraints mean it is not possible for us to accept teenagers from other Parishes. Please contact: hampstead@rcdow.org.uk if you wish your child to join the Confirmation preparation.

Location: St Marcellina Convent


Email:  hampstead@rcdow.org.uk and a registration form will be sent to you.